OpenLDAP 2.0.7 for MPE/iX

OpenLDAP is a set of client and server programs implementing the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

At present, not the whole package has been ported, but only core services like slapd server and command line client tools like ldapsearch, ldapadd or ldapmodify (to name just a few). I haven't spent time on porting the remaining parts of the OpenLDAP suite because I didn' have a pressing need to have them. I don't know if they would surface difficult porting issues or not.

To build OpenLDAP on MPE/iX, I have used the GNU gcc compiler package as well as a few selected (object) files from the Posix Porting Wrappers on Jazz. The files that have been compiled with HP C/iX (c89) for convenience (calling MPE intrinsics is a little easier in HP C/iX than in GNU gcc) are supplied as .o files, in case you don't have c89 on your system.

You will also need the libraries and header files of GNU gdbm as well as syslog. The former is available for MPE/iX as yet another ported freeware package, the latter has been bundled with MPE/iX FOS as of 6.0 (see SYSLOG account on your system).

To build OpenLDAP 2.0.7/iX.1 on MPE/iX, you need the following files:

To just use precompiled binaries, you can use the following:

Have fun with OpenLDAP for MPE/iX, but keep in mind: use at your own risk

Lars Appel, May 2001

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