How to build Apache JServ for MPE/iX (with mod_jserv compiled into httpd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create the IX account, if it does not exist yet... :hello manager.sys :newacct ix,mgr ;pass=dontknow :altacct ix ;cap=+ph :altuser mgr.ix ;cap=+ph :altgroup pub.ix ;access=(r,x:any;w,a,l,s:AL) Create symbolic link for HFS name to the "home" of ApacheJServ/iX... :hello manager.sys :newlink /usr/local/apache , /IX/APACHE Create user and MPE group to provide ApacheJServ/iX "home" setup... :hello mgr.ix :newgroup apache.ix ;access=(r,w,a,l,x,s:GL) :newuser apache.ix ;pass=dontknow :altuser apache.ix ;home=apache ;cap=+ph,gl Logon as Apache.iX user to unpack files and perform build... :hello apache.ix (optionally copy some helpful .exrc and .profile files here) :xeq /bin/sh -L First unpack the original Apache 1.3.9 and JServ 1.1 distribution... shell/iX> mkdir tmp && cd tmp shell/iX> gzip -dc /tmp/apache_1.3.9_mpe.tar.gz | tar xvopf - shell/iX> mv apache_1.3.9_mpe ~/apache shell/iX> gzip -dc /tmp/ApacheJServ_1.1.tar.gz | tar xvopf - shell/iX> mv ApacheJServ-1.1 ~/jserv shell/iX> cd .. And then add the MPE specific files (into separate mpe subdir)... shell/iX> gzip -dc /tmp/ajs-139-11-delta.tar.gz | tar xvopf - Now apply MPE specific adjustments to Apache and JServ original files... shell/iX> mpe/patch Create lib directory and place Sun's Java Servlet Developer Kit in there... shell/iX> mkdir ~/lib # and download the jsdk.jar file into it! And finally perform the build (configure, make and make install)... shell/iX> callci stream ./mpe/build.job shell/iX> cd ~/apache && make clean # or distclean; optional step shell/iX> cd ~/jserv && make clean # or distclean; optional step shell/iX> exit :bye