Java + Transact = GUI

This is another example how a Java client program might use JavaTelnet to launch and control a regular MPE/iX program on the server side for accessing TurboIMAGE (or "legacy business logic") without relational database middleware like JDBC. The example shown uses a small Transact program on the HP 3000 side to access the MUSIC sample database, but I have only chosen Transact here to highlight the "legacy integration" and because Transact is extremely convenient for coding TurboIMAGE access. The example can be easily adapted to use another native MPE/iX programming language for the server program (eg COBOL, Pascal, Fortran, Basic, SPL, C, or RPG) as long as it can access TurboIMAGE intrinsics and perform terminal I/O. Contributions are highly welcome! I have not yet found to implement the client side as an applet (instead of standalone java program). This should be possible with fairly low effort, though. Another idea is to also implement this example as java servlet (eg run under Apache JServ for MPE/iX), which in turn would require running some Java code on the 3000 side (or on a separate "application server") and which could then talk to the client side in plain HTML, if so desired (unlike the standalone java program or java applet, which would require some flavour of Java being run on the client platform). Any volunteers for contributions?

Also see my example how to run QUERY via JavaTelnet for additional info on the underlying concept & idea.

Lars Appel, January 2000