Java Examples
MyHello: simple "hello world" program that
uses a loop and Thread.sleep() for pausing
MyApplet: simple "hello world" applet similar
to MyHello with counter for paint() invocations, and its HTML
FileIO: simple program that reads the first
few lines from a text file and displays them
NetEcho: simple socket server that responds
to a simple request from NetClient or
WebEcho: simple socket server that responds
to a single http request from web browser, WebClient,
or telnet
DgmSend and DgmRecv:
simple datagram sender and receiver for UDP messages
AppletCycle: small applet that shows
method invocations by the browser during its lifecycle, and its HTML
Java Servlets: concept and examples of
server side Java based on the Servlet API
Hello: simple servlet with hit counter
to show contrast to short-lived CGI processes
jCobCGI: servlet implementation resembling
my old Cobol/iX CGI example on Jazz, and its HTML
Music: simple servlet showing (local or
remote) database access to MusicDBE via JDBC driver
Java Web Server: session snippet showing how to
setup the Sun product (or trial version) on MPE/iX
Jigsaw for MPE/iX: session snippet showing how
to setup the web server from on MPE/iX
Calling MPE Intrinsics: shows a few examples
of using the JNI Java Native Interface with C and Cobol/iX
JdbcProgram: simple program using Jdbc
driver or JdbcOdbc bridge to access Image/SQL MusicDBE
RunChild: example how to launch a child
process via Runtime.exec() and read its output
JdbcApplet: an applet implementation
of the JdbcProgram above (using a java.awt.List as GUI), and its HTML
JavaTelnet: program or applet telnets into
the HP 3000, launches host program and provides GUI or web front-end
MPE Proglets: a small Java Servlet helps using
(a pool of) simple MPE programs for generating dynamic web pages
DiscFree: applet that retrieves discfree info from
host, parses and displays in graphical form, and its HTML
Lars Appel, 21-Mar-99 .. 15-May-00